Upcoming Event

On Aug. 31, 1949, Defense Secretary Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days. The single-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the armed forces under one agency — the Department of Defense.
Our mission is to connect our local residents to their Veterans and Active Military by showcasing their custom Military Tribute Displays at the Armed Forces Day event… Those we should never forget!

American Legion Duby Reid Post 30 has been in operation serving the needs of our veterans and community. We offer support groups at the Post, Narcotics Anonymous, VA Art Class and Liberty Dogs. Regarding community outreach, we directly support Scouting, JROTC, and Nevada Boys State.
It is important that we continue to perform our responsibilities to our veterans and community. Our base of operations is the building at 730 4th Street, Sparks NV. The upkeep of our Post building is a #1 priority.
We are asking for sponsors to help us with some needed repairs and upgrades. Currently, our HVAC system is in need of repairs and is very costly. Your sponsorship and donations help us in many ways. Your tax deductible donation entitles you to recognition on our posters, websites and recognition at our annual Armed Forces Day event.
Although, Armed Forces Day specifically honors active duty military personnel, our event also honors our local family Reno/Sparks Veterans by displaying their personal military story and photos. We have many exhibits of Veterans stories, military memorabilia and history boards to educate our residents young and old, plus military vehicles will be on display. Our opening ceremony will include JROTC performances and military guest speakers.
Our success will be directly attributable to the generosity of sponsors in bringing this event to the public, more importantly will support our Veterans throughout the year.
For more information contact Ron Miranda at 775 433-5964 or email [email protected].
Thank you and we hope you sponsor your local American Legion Post 30.